About Geokings

Geokings GIS Consultancy is a Malawian based firm established on 12th May 2022 as a consultancy business duly registered in accordance with the provision of the Business Registration Act No. 12 of 2012. The founder of Geokings is a Malawian business magnate with more than 10 years' technical skills. The idea of establishing the firm started way back in 2014 but because of other uncertainties, it was delayed up to 2020 and registered in 2022. The firm aimed at dealing with geospatial-data and providing social-economic solutions on mapping services. The flow of work mostly starts from data capturing/correction, data processing/analysing and the presentation/results. Malawi as one of the least developed countries there are a number of developing activities taking place in different sectors. Some of such sectors are agriculture, education, infrastructures such as roads and buildings. The geokings is coming in to provide mapping services such as land surveying, layout plans, architectural drawing plans, terrain and flooding analysis.

About Geokings

Geokings GIS

Consultancy is a Malawian based firm established on 12th May 2022 as a consultancy business duly registered in accordance with the provision of the Business Registration Act No. 12 of 2012


To be one of

leading firm in geospatial services from one generation to another and from one nation to another. Geokings GIS Consultancy believe to archieve the vision, different deliberate processes and steps must be done like Expertise, Cutting-edge Technology, Data Quality, Customization etc.


Providing geospatial

services with highly quality assurance,reliable and trustworthy. We will be involved in delivering accurate and precise geographic information to users. This includes mapping, satellite imagery, and spatial analysis.


To coordinate and

direct the implementation of disaster risk management programmes in Malawi.

Our Services